Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Past

Okay....I've been gone FOREVER!! I have a friend that asked me to share some of my thoughts on politics, religion, well...actually...anything. It's called Guy is a DJ who presently at 95.9. I can only stream it on my computer since the signal isn't real strong. This is short lived, however, because he will be broadcasting from a Columbus station which, hopefully, will give him national attention. Guy is a Christian. Stop by and read his blog site sometime.

I spent Friday night (Rich was out of town) strolling down memory lane. I have so many songs that I have loved over the years. Some were on albums (now you understand how old) that I sold at a garage sale to a collector. I have downloaded songs off I-Tunes and I told Rich how much I would like to download some of my favorites from the past. This Christmas Rich got me a $50 I-Tunes card as a perk from Hilton for being a frequent visitor. I made a list and I've been having a great time bringing back the past. Joni Mitchell, John Denver, Fleetwood Mac, The Doors, Peter Frampton, Hall and Oates, Peter, Paul and Mary, Boz Scaggs, just to name a few.

Ahh....those were the days when songs had melodies! Yes, even the rock songs had words that could be understood without having to diss women or talk about shooting someone. Those were the days of protest songs, folk songs, message songs, and rock. Those were the days of real bellbottom jeans, vests with 6" fringe on the bottom, Frye boots, and you get the picture.How did the music get so weirded out? Funny...but people are still going to concerts by these groups, radio stations are playing the "oldies", and tribute bands are everywhere. The state of music has gotten to the point that many singers of today have rung out their creative juices and have resorted to singing these great songs again. I know many young people, teens and 20's, that would die to have a Led Zeppelin album. I sit here I'm presently listening to Eric Clapton and drifting off to another time and place so forgive me for leaving as I depart to the past.