Saturday, May 23, 2009

Isn't it amazing how fast our shrubs grow once the weather gets warm? It's a blessing and a curse. A blessing because new growth shows that the plant is healthy but a curse because, left unattended, they can become overgrown and unsightly. So now we have to get down to work and work hard cutting back and pruning until the shrubs are returned to their former manageable and beautiful shape.

As we go through life, we continue to grow in God's word. We serve in our church, attend Bible studies, and try to live our lives the way we can please God. That's the blessing of life. But there are times that we need to be pruned and brought back to a right relationship with God. It's not easy to go through the pruning. We face hardships, pain and sorrow. Sometimes we feel like we have been pruned from God rather than by God. But take heart, once the dead wood of our lives is taken away and we have been returned to our "beautiful shape" we will be stronger in our faith and closer to God.

So the next time you are out trimming the bushes, remember that God is constantly pruning your heart because He cares that much about you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Linda, a suggestion. Maybe you'd want to remove your addy from the Faith board and insert a note that if there are those that want this addy, to send you a PM.
