Saturday, May 9, 2009

Starting to Blog there's a concept. It sounds like something someone would do in the privacy of their own bedroom. I start this site with palpitations and a not too sure idea of what I'm going to do now that it's started. Having never been at a loss for words, it was suggested that I try this new form of expression known as blogging.

Isn't it this way with every new endeavor? We start out and then find ourselves in a quagmire. I don't know about you, but prayer is something that always seems to come second. Only when I'm in the middle of the quagmire do I call out to the One who I should have consulted before starting. God is only a prayer away, up all hours of the day or night, and is always ready to respond. If only my self sufficiency would give way and allow me to admit that I can't do everything on my own. Thank you God that You see me as a work in progress and that I'm still worth Your consideration.


  1. Let me be the first to welcome you to the world of blogging! It takes 3 P's - Prayer, patience and persistence!!! I am excited for your new venture and look forward to learning off of you!!! You GO GIRL!!!!

  2. Whopppeee!! and YAY! Congratulations, dear friend! I look forward to reading you and seeing how you progress in the blogworld. Ive let my lay fallow for about 6-7 months, but hope to get back to it shortly. In the meantime, it will be a blessing to read your thoughts and insights. I know you'll do extremely well!

    Love you, girl friend and sister-in-Him!!

