Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is a Christian Apolitical?

In a comment left on one of my blogs I was asked how I could be a Christian and yet speak out against President Obama. At first it bothered me but after processing the comment I came to one conclusion, yes I can speak out against the policies that are clearly against God's policies. I'm not a racist or bigot because I speak out against the downward spiral that our nation is taking. It is, however, my responsibility to stand up for what the Bible says and the way we should be living our lives, not a government mandate.

I am appalled when there are those from our nation that have the audacity to " put down" our country on foreign soil. This is the best nation on earth and I am proud (despite what Michelle Obama has said) of it. I am also proud of the office of the President of the United States. If President Obama were to be treated disrespectfully when on foreign soil (as what happen to the former president) I would be one of the first to stand up for him. But...I have the freedom and the right to speak out against his policies. One is known by their actions. I don't need to know President Obama personally to know that he is on the edge concerning his christian views because of his actions in the role government is taking in our lives. This is my right as a citizen and a christian.

God brings kings and rulers into positions of authority to serve His will but nowhere does the Bible say that we can't speak out. If only the christians of the 1930s would have spoken out about the dispicable things that Hitler was doing to the Jews, maybe he wouldn't have gained so much power. We cannot, as christians, stand by and watch our nation erode away morally and spiritually by going along with policies that God despises. Our nation, and complecent christians, will one day face judgment for where we are going. So...should a Christian be apolitical? I think not.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!!! I have been waiting for another blog from you to read. :) revwa
