Friday, August 14, 2009

Let's Wave the Flag

I was watching an old episode of "Little House on the Prairie" where a man and his family( from Russia) had just lost the farm he had bought only 4 months before. He later found out that there were 7 years of unpaid property taxes. Because he could not pay what was owed, he lost the farm. Instead of being upset and ranting and raving about his situation he still found praise for the nation that he now called home. He said that this country was the best in the world. Of course, he felt bad about losing the farm but he said that here he could always start over and succeed.

This program really moved me to tears. How many times have we heard how lousy our nation is? those who feel this way or are discouraged, this IS the greatest nation in the world. How many countries have people waiting in line to come to this country and hope to become citizens? To have people desperate enough to sneak in illegally? How many countries have the healthcare system we have where other nationalities come here for treatment because they are on waiting lists at home? How many other countries allow their people to stand up in a town hall meeting with their elected officials and confront their policies? How many countries allow the freedom of religion we have here?

Yes, I'm proud of my country! I'm so sorry that our president feels that he has to apologize for that on which we stand; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. There isn't another place on the planet that I would want to live. Stuart Barney, a former citizen of the United Kingdom and Fox News commentator, said that our nation is the last nation that has not succumbed to socialism and he regrets seeing where we are being lead. I have heard the fear in people's voices that have emigrated to our country and who left their totalitarian and socialist countries to escape to a free society and the opportunity to start over.

If we truly believe that God is in control, then we have to trust that all this turmoil with the economy and healthcare debate is for a reason. We have to admit that in the past there has been a general malaise in our nation regarding politics and the belief that there is a God who is blessing our nation beyond what it deserves. The time has come to seek God and return to our roots. I believe that the tribulation that we are experiencing now may be God calling us back to a right relationship with Him. Who can one turn to when his government is letting him down? Only to the One who can bring real change.

So...let's wave the flag today, question what we believe, and look to God for the answers.

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