Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Lost Life

I'm sure that if you had heard, read, or seen any more stories about Michael Jackson, you (like me) would have torn your hair out. I don't want to take away from his showmanship. There is no doubt that he was a fantastic performer. I really like his music. That being said, he led a lost life and it doesn't seem as though there was anyone there to show him the way. As I watched the programs about his life, my heart went out to him. An accused child molester? Yes. Maybe if there was someone in his life who could have told him about a Father who loved him more than anything (at least more than his earthly father), he could have found some self worth. As it was, he died trying to fill his life with fame and fortune, won and lost.

There have been other lost lives, Heath Ledger, Anna Nichole Smith, and various other performers lost to the
"high life". The frustrating question for me is wondering if they ever had anyone share the Lord with them. To, at least, give them the chance to accept or reject.

Are there any lost lives in your family or acquaintances? We all have them. I once did sewing for a store and the woman who gave out the projects was living a lost life. I always thought I should say something to her but I never did. She moved out of state and later succumbed to brain cancer. I felt bad that I had let the chance to share slip by.

What we all need to do is come to the place where we say that we are NOT ashamed of the gospel and not allow a lost life to go on without being given the chance to hear the gospel. A lost life can be found.

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