Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Run the Race

Let's get this straight from the beginning, I am not a runner. I tried it once and my knees became so sore that I could hardly make it up a flight of stairs. Yet, God asks us to run the race. How do you do that? I recently saw a video on YouTube that showed me how the race is run.

I doubt that there are many people that haven't heard the story of the Hoyt family. Their son has cerebral palsy and is wheelchair bound. He and his father have been in many races and have drawn the attention of the world. The love and devotion shown to his son is beyond what is ever asked of a parent.

I see this as a picture of how the race is won with God's help. You see, I am that wheelchair bound boy. I am helpless without God to run the race with me. He carries me when I can't walk. He pulls me along during the hard times and He will rejoice with me when I finish the race. Praise God that none of us has to run the race of life alone. What love, what devotion, what a God!

Please excuse the quality of the video. I think you will see that the content is well worth the effort. It's kleenex time.

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