Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Past

Okay....I've been gone FOREVER!! I have a friend that asked me to share some of my thoughts on politics, religion, well...actually...anything. It's called Guy is a DJ who presently at 95.9. I can only stream it on my computer since the signal isn't real strong. This is short lived, however, because he will be broadcasting from a Columbus station which, hopefully, will give him national attention. Guy is a Christian. Stop by and read his blog site sometime.

I spent Friday night (Rich was out of town) strolling down memory lane. I have so many songs that I have loved over the years. Some were on albums (now you understand how old) that I sold at a garage sale to a collector. I have downloaded songs off I-Tunes and I told Rich how much I would like to download some of my favorites from the past. This Christmas Rich got me a $50 I-Tunes card as a perk from Hilton for being a frequent visitor. I made a list and I've been having a great time bringing back the past. Joni Mitchell, John Denver, Fleetwood Mac, The Doors, Peter Frampton, Hall and Oates, Peter, Paul and Mary, Boz Scaggs, just to name a few.

Ahh....those were the days when songs had melodies! Yes, even the rock songs had words that could be understood without having to diss women or talk about shooting someone. Those were the days of protest songs, folk songs, message songs, and rock. Those were the days of real bellbottom jeans, vests with 6" fringe on the bottom, Frye boots, and you get the picture.How did the music get so weirded out? Funny...but people are still going to concerts by these groups, radio stations are playing the "oldies", and tribute bands are everywhere. The state of music has gotten to the point that many singers of today have rung out their creative juices and have resorted to singing these great songs again. I know many young people, teens and 20's, that would die to have a Led Zeppelin album. I sit here I'm presently listening to Eric Clapton and drifting off to another time and place so forgive me for leaving as I depart to the past.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Run the Race

Let's get this straight from the beginning, I am not a runner. I tried it once and my knees became so sore that I could hardly make it up a flight of stairs. Yet, God asks us to run the race. How do you do that? I recently saw a video on YouTube that showed me how the race is run.

I doubt that there are many people that haven't heard the story of the Hoyt family. Their son has cerebral palsy and is wheelchair bound. He and his father have been in many races and have drawn the attention of the world. The love and devotion shown to his son is beyond what is ever asked of a parent.

I see this as a picture of how the race is won with God's help. You see, I am that wheelchair bound boy. I am helpless without God to run the race with me. He carries me when I can't walk. He pulls me along during the hard times and He will rejoice with me when I finish the race. Praise God that none of us has to run the race of life alone. What love, what devotion, what a God!

Please excuse the quality of the video. I think you will see that the content is well worth the effort. It's kleenex time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Retaining Wall

I am an avid HGTV viewer. I have learned so many things by watching all of the programs. I am amazed at what they can do with a room or the exterior of the house. It spurs me on, much to the chagrin of my husband, to redo rooms and outside gardens.

One of the projects that I never paid much attention to was retaining walls. Retaining walls are built to do just that, hold back an embankment. We have one made out of railroad ties in our back yard that was built before we moved in (very popular a few years ago). Today, retaining walls are works of art heralding back to the ancient Romans that constructed fantastic edifices that are still around today.

The hallmark of the retaining wall is the foundation. In order to have a wall that won't fall over in time, from the weight of the dirt behind it, is a level and firm foundation. If this step is done in the wrong way or short cuts taken, the wall will not do its job and, overtime, will collapse. Once the foundation is established, the blocks can be put one on top of the other till the desired height is attained.

What is your firm foundation? Do you build your hopes and dreams on what the world gives or do you build on a foundation that is true, level, and will hold up? My foundation is Jesus Christ. He alone is the foundation that will stand the test of time, not collapse, and will always remain a thing of beauty. When the weight of the world's sins were place on His shoulders, He did not collapse under the strain. When the world mocks Him and people turn from Him, He does not fall apart. What encouragement that gives me to know that no matter what I ask of Him, no matter the burdens I lay at His feet, He will continue to be my foundation so I can withstand the pressure of the world. He is the foundation on which my hope is built.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Have you ever noticed how God always presents contrasts? I'm looking at the beautiful Fall landscape out of my window and marvel at how wonderful it is. Then, I think of the coming winter with cold weather, sleet, snow and ice. I know that some think winter is wonderful but I don't happen to be one of those. So the beauty of fall is contrasted with the harshness of winter. Along comes Spring and the flowers, budding trees, and warmer weather. But this is in contrast to the very warm summer, humidity, and sunburns.

I suppose that it is in these contrasts that we can see God's hand at work. We are to be satisfied in all situations whether they are ones of our choosing or not. We have the joy of a birth in the family and then mourn in the death of one. We rejoice in a new job and then suffer in the loss of one. Sometimes it is difficult to deal with the contrasts.

In I John, the contrast of living in the light or living in darkness is a serious topic because this contrast deals with our spiritual walk with the Lord and where we will spend eternity. At least with the seasonal changes, we can still look ahead to a time when we will be relieved of a season with which we are not comfortable. Walking in darkness is another story. For that person, unless he is seeking God, there is no hope of a future respite. Those who walk in darkness look at the seasonal contrasts as just that. Those who are in the light see those same seasons as gifts from God and the splendor of His hand in creating them. In situational contrasts, we, who are in the light, trust God and find hope in knowing that He is in control.

So...enjoy the Fall. Take a walk and marvel at God's creation and know that sometimes a contrast can be good.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Slap in the Face

I can remember the day as if it was yesterday. I was at work at the hospital when my supervisor came up to me and told me that my girlfriend, on the floor below, needed me. At first I had no idea what she was talking about. She then told me that word had just come that her brother had been killed in Vietnam. I was stunned. I couldn't say anything. It was the biggest slap in the face that I had ever experienced. The days that followed felt like they weren't real, like they were something off TV.

A couple of weeks ago, after a bridal shower for my nephew and his bride, my sister-in-law, who wasn't feeling well all day, had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). She had received the diagnosis last January but never told us till now. I was stunned. Another slap in the face that left me speechless.

I ask myself, "Why do these things have to happen? It just doesn't seem fair". I used to watch Touched by an Angel and there was a statement that has stuck with me, "life isn't fair, but God is". We only experience some of what can happen. We have no idea of the things that could have happened that God put a stop to. God is sovereign and if we submit our lives to Him, then we can expect that there will be times when we don't understand. We have to trust that He knows what is best and only wants the good things for us. There is more at stake than our physical bodies, we cannot throw up our hands and turn from Him because of life's tragedies. The greatest loss would be our salvation and that is a slap in the face that I do not want to experience.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Let's Wave the Flag

I was watching an old episode of "Little House on the Prairie" where a man and his family( from Russia) had just lost the farm he had bought only 4 months before. He later found out that there were 7 years of unpaid property taxes. Because he could not pay what was owed, he lost the farm. Instead of being upset and ranting and raving about his situation he still found praise for the nation that he now called home. He said that this country was the best in the world. Of course, he felt bad about losing the farm but he said that here he could always start over and succeed.

This program really moved me to tears. How many times have we heard how lousy our nation is? those who feel this way or are discouraged, this IS the greatest nation in the world. How many countries have people waiting in line to come to this country and hope to become citizens? To have people desperate enough to sneak in illegally? How many countries have the healthcare system we have where other nationalities come here for treatment because they are on waiting lists at home? How many other countries allow their people to stand up in a town hall meeting with their elected officials and confront their policies? How many countries allow the freedom of religion we have here?

Yes, I'm proud of my country! I'm so sorry that our president feels that he has to apologize for that on which we stand; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. There isn't another place on the planet that I would want to live. Stuart Barney, a former citizen of the United Kingdom and Fox News commentator, said that our nation is the last nation that has not succumbed to socialism and he regrets seeing where we are being lead. I have heard the fear in people's voices that have emigrated to our country and who left their totalitarian and socialist countries to escape to a free society and the opportunity to start over.

If we truly believe that God is in control, then we have to trust that all this turmoil with the economy and healthcare debate is for a reason. We have to admit that in the past there has been a general malaise in our nation regarding politics and the belief that there is a God who is blessing our nation beyond what it deserves. The time has come to seek God and return to our roots. I believe that the tribulation that we are experiencing now may be God calling us back to a right relationship with Him. Who can one turn to when his government is letting him down? Only to the One who can bring real change.

So...let's wave the flag today, question what we believe, and look to God for the answers.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Lost Life

I'm sure that if you had heard, read, or seen any more stories about Michael Jackson, you (like me) would have torn your hair out. I don't want to take away from his showmanship. There is no doubt that he was a fantastic performer. I really like his music. That being said, he led a lost life and it doesn't seem as though there was anyone there to show him the way. As I watched the programs about his life, my heart went out to him. An accused child molester? Yes. Maybe if there was someone in his life who could have told him about a Father who loved him more than anything (at least more than his earthly father), he could have found some self worth. As it was, he died trying to fill his life with fame and fortune, won and lost.

There have been other lost lives, Heath Ledger, Anna Nichole Smith, and various other performers lost to the
"high life". The frustrating question for me is wondering if they ever had anyone share the Lord with them. To, at least, give them the chance to accept or reject.

Are there any lost lives in your family or acquaintances? We all have them. I once did sewing for a store and the woman who gave out the projects was living a lost life. I always thought I should say something to her but I never did. She moved out of state and later succumbed to brain cancer. I felt bad that I had let the chance to share slip by.

What we all need to do is come to the place where we say that we are NOT ashamed of the gospel and not allow a lost life to go on without being given the chance to hear the gospel. A lost life can be found.